The World Around Us

Blue Mountains

Country: Australia by Lisette


My first trip to see “the real Australia” was to the Blue Mountains. That’s not so real yet, but heck what did I know? Full of energy and a camera full of film (I didn’t go digital yet!), I headed to the mountains hoping to see kangaroos, koalas, wild flowers.

But.. Remember the storm I just blogged about? Turned out that storm also touched the Blue Mountains. The day I got there, the staff closed the park. I was so bummed! The lookouts tried their best to make me forget my storm-sorrow and it worked. The Three Sisters are amazing and it was a perfect way to introduce me to Aboriginal legends and wisdom.

Legend tells that three sisters fell in love with three brothers from a neighbouring tribe.  Tribal law forbade them to marry but the brothers would not listen. A witchdoctor turned the three sisters into stone to protect them from harm. Unfortunately, he was killed and the spell was never reversed.